Case Details
This is a pleasant 23-year old patient who came into Dr. Burke’s office to consult about breast augmentation surgery. This patient presented with a 32A cup size and desired a C cup size. Because she desired fullness and a rounder shape, Dr. Burke took time to have a detailed discussion with the patient about the differences between choosing a moderate profile implant, versus a more augmented look with a higher profile implant by showing her the projected results on our Vectra 3D imaging machine. Confident in her options, she made the decision to go with a moderate profile implant and arrived on surgery day at the Barrington office eager to fulfill her wish. 330 cc Mentor MemoryShape silicone implants were placed in the patient sub-pectorally and her incisions were small and seamless. Two weeks after surgery she completely stopped pain medication and was almost back to normal activity. She was very happy with her result and does intend to have pregnancies in the future.