Case Details
This is an active 42-year old female who came to Dr. Renee Burke’s office looking to enhance multiple areas of the body. Originally she began with with SmartLipo to her thighs, flanks, and abdomen, but about two months post-operatively decided that she would like to augment her breasts. Confident in Dr. Burke and her surgical staff’s ability to fulfill her goals, she booked a breast augmentation surgery at one of her follow up appointments.The patient had given some thought to cosmetic procedures for a long time prior to consultation with Dr. Burke so having the opportunity to slowly work on her aesthetic appearance was important to her. Having this in mind, Dr. Burke made it a priority to discuss in depth the different implant types and profiles. One of this patient’s greatest desires was to increase the fullness of her breasts in the upper pole. While maintaining a healthy life style can improve overall physical appearance, at times it is difficult to improve the aesthetic of certain areas of the body naturally. This was, for this patient, one of the biggest reasons for consulting with a plastic surgeon. After thorough discussion, the patient decided on a shaped implant and was in for her preoperative appointment at the Barrington office within a few weeks. On surgery day, she arrived optimistic for another beautiful result and had no complications in surgery. Mentor Shaped Tall Height Moderate Plus Profile 350 cc implants were placed and her recovery was smooth and quick.