Tummy Tuck 360 #508
Extended Abdominoplasty with Liposuction to Circumferential Trunk 61 year old female
Extended Abdominoplasty with Liposuction to Circumferential Trunk 61 year old female
Abdominoplasty with Liposuction to Circumferential Trunk 37 year old female
Extended Abdominoplasty with Liposuction to Circumferential Trunk 41 year old female
Abdominoplasty with Liposuction to Circumferential Trunk, Bilateral Breast Augmentation with Mesh Placement Allergan Moderate 445cc breast implants
Abdominoplasty with Liposuction to Circumferential Trunk, Fat Grafting to Bilateral Buttocks 33 year old female
Procedures Performed Fat Grafting Tummy Tuck 360 Provider Renee Burke, MD About This Patient Age 28 Gender Female
Case Details This is a 40 year old female who came to Dr. Burke with concerns of her abdomen after giving birth to twins. At her consultation, Dr. Burke discussed her options with her and recommended an abdominoplasty to address the extra/loose skin along with the protrusion of the abdomen. Dr. Burke removed the excess …
Procedures Performed Tummy Tuck 360 Provider Renee Burke, MD About This Patient Age Gender Female
Procedures Performed Tummy Tuck 360 Provider Renee Burke, MD About This Patient Age 53 Gender Female
Procedures Performed Tummy Tuck 360 Provider Renee Burke, MD About This Patient Age 29 Gender Female