Case Details
This is a 50-year old woman who came into our office looking to decrease excess fat on her arms, and correct the “sagging” appearance of her arms. This patient had previously gone through extreme weight loss; and with a lot of her confidence regained, decided it was time to look into aesthetically enhancing her body. During weight loss, our bodies go through a lot of change, but don’t always leave us positive with our overall image because of the resulting excess skin. After doing so much good for her mental and physical well-being, this patient decided that the time was right to move forward with a cosmetic procedure. Dr. Burke carefully explained the patient’s options to her, and the patient found comfort in Dr. Burke’s extensive knowledge on healing the body and mind after making a big lifestyle change (i.e. weight loss). It was ultimately decided that the best surgical plan for this patient would be an arm lift (brachioplasty) in addition to liposuction. Her result was beautiful, leaving very faint scarring and giving her the most confidence.